Sensory Forum Taiwan 2019

The event is organized with the support of SCA Taiwan, the Coffee Roasters Guild, and the Taiwan Coffee Association.

The forum will bring together world experts from the coffee industry. The two-day program will cover the topics of sensory science, the basis of SCA’s “Wheel of Taste”, the taste effects of genetics and coffee varieties, as well as the latest research on SCA university partnerships and much more.

After each session, there will be practical training and networking.

The cost of the event, the date and the location of the Sensory Forum Taiwan 2019 you’ll find below.

Time and Location of Sensory Forum Taiwan 2019

The forum will be held in Taiwan at Coffeeland from 18 to 19 July 2019.

Time:  8:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Days left before the start:

-2030Days -22Hours -54Minutes -45Seconds

Entrance Fee:  SCA Member – $625 USD; Non-Member – $725 USD

Registration website:

Contact numbers: +886-2-2517-8055 (Call)

Official website:

Sensory Forum Taiwan 2019 on The Map

GPS coordinates:  23.624286, 120.467647 (Directions)

Address: No. 89, Wenxian Rd., Nantou City, Nantou County 540, Taiwan-R.O.C.

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