Specialty Coffee Shop Floo Coffee in Moscow

According to the suggestions of our friends and Instagram followers, Floo Coffee deserves a place in the list of the best specialty coffee shops in Moscow, so we are happy to add it there. And since the guys also roast coffee, we add them into our section of the best coffee roasters in Russia.

We could not come there ourselves, but we contacted the guys and asked them some questions so that you had an understanding of what to expect from this place.

The establishment year. – 2016

Please describe your coffee shop in 3 sentences. – Coffee and people. Breakfast all day and brunch on weekends.

Do you have Wi-Fi and air conditioning? – Yes, we do.

Do you accept credit/debit cards? – Yes, we do.

How big is your place? Is there a place to work on a computer? – We have 2 spacious halls with seating and some tables have electric sockets.

Do you have parking? – Yes, we do.

What is a brand/model of your coffee machine? – Victoria Arduino Black Eagle 3 gr

Do you roast coffee yourself or buy from other roasters? – Yes, we do roast coffee ourselves.

Do you have alternative coffee options on the menu, such as AeroPress, pour-over, etc.? – Yes, we do have AeroPress, pour-over, coffee filter, etc.

Do you sell roasted coffee beans? – Yes, we do.

Do you sell food/desserts? – Yes, we do sell food and desserts.

What would you recommend to try in your coffee shop? -You should try both classics and signature drinks. You will also be pleasantly surprised by our desserts, which we make ourselves.

If you have already visited Floo Coffee, please leave your review below.

P.S. Special thanks for the pictures to https://www.instagram.com/floo.coffee/

Working Hours and Coordinates

Specialty Coffee Shop Floo on The Map

Address: Novodmitrovskaya Ulitsa, д.1, стр. 1, Moscow, Russia, 105082

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