Coffee Latte Recipe at Home

What is Coffee Latte?

Coffee Latte is the Italian name for a coffee drink that uses milk and espresso. Translated from Italian caffèlatte is “Coffee with Milk”.

In the modern world there are at least three types of lattes:

  • Classic Latte;
  • Latte Macchiato;
  • Piccolo Latte;

Classic Latte

Classic Latte

This version of the drink is prepared on the basis of espresso. At home, instead of espresso, any version of strong coffee is suitable.

In a classic latte, warm milk is poured into a hot coffee.

The Recipe of a Classic Latte

For making it you will need:

  • A portion of strong coffee 35 ml;
  • Milk 210 ml;
  • An empty mug of 250 ml;

Step by step recipe

  1. Prepare a serving of strong coffee (preferably espresso) and pour it into a 250 ml mug.
  2. Heat the milk on the stove to a temperature of 60-70 ° C, then whisk it until soft foam forms without large bubbles.
  3. Pour the milk slowly in a circular motion into a mug of coffee, then add the remaining foam on top of the drink.

Latte Macchiato

Latte Macchiato

This variety of latte is almost identical to the classic version, with the only caveat – coffee is poured into warm milk. Thus, a drink with a more pronounced milky taste is obtained, while the classic version has more coffee notes than milk.

The Recipe of a Latte Macchiato

For making it you will need:

  • A portion of strong coffee 35 ml;
  • Milk 210 ml;
  • An empty mug of 250 ml;

Step by step recipe

  1. Heat the milk on the stove to a temperature of 60-70 ° C, then whisk it until soft foam forms without large bubbles and pour it into a mug.
  2. Prepare a serving of strong coffee (preferably espresso) and pour it into a mug with milk.

If you use transparent glass you can see three layers of the drink: foam, coffee, and milk.

Piccolo Latte

Piccolo Latte

This is a miniature version of the classic latte. For preparation, a small portion of espresso (15-20 ml) and approximately 80 ml of warm whipped milk are used.

The Recipe of a Piccolo Latte

For making it you will need:

  • A portion of strong coffee 15-20 ml;
  • Milk 80 ml;
  • An empty mug of 100 ml;

Step by step recipe

  1. Prepare a serving of strong coffee (preferably espresso) and pour it into a 100 ml mug.
  2. Heat the milk on the stove to a temperature of 60-70 ° C, then whisk it until soft foam forms without large bubbles.
  3. Pour the milk slowly in a circular motion into a mug of coffee, then add the remaining foam on top of the drink.

If you don’t have the opportunity to make espresso or coffee from freshly roasted beans in a Cezve / Moka pot / French Press, you can take a portion of regular instant coffee, but in this case, you should not expect an ideal cup.

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