Salt & Light Coffee Shop in Chiang Mai

This is a small and very cozy coffee shop with friendly staff and atmosphere.

The location of Salt & Light is not the best for a typical tourist, as it is far from the center and not on a busy street. But if you decide to visit it, then head towards the Hang Dong area. The guys have three places around Chiang Mai, the coordinates of this place I will leave below.

The cafe has just a few tables inside and a couple more outside in a small garden, so do not consider this place for work.

The staff with experience. Normally for their main menu, they use local Arabica, make it on the Sanremo coffee machine. In addition to it, there are other beans, you can ask to make a drink on other beans.

I tried a few drinks. Latte on Arabica, espresso on a special beans Wine Barrel and Dirty Latte on Arabica.

The espresso turned out to be interesting, a lot of berry and citrus notes, almost without bitterness, but most of all I liked Dirty Latte. The drink is prepared on cold cream with the addition of espresso, yummy! Dirty Latte is not on the menu, but you can ask the staff about it.

Latte at Salt & Light

If you are lucky, there will be a musician. You can listen to his guitar playing and chat with the owner of the coffee shop. 🙂

Musician at Salt & Light

If you have been to this coffee shop, please leave a review below.

Working Hours and Coordinates

Salt & Light CNX on The Map

Rating: 5

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